
Our heart is to be generous at Encounter Church

We are all about building a life that is about 'us' rather than 'me'; to be people who are constantly asking where we can contribute to people's lives and within our communities. We do this by displaying a welcoming hospitality environment and by being big-hearted with our time, our skills our finances and our hearts.

Bank Transfer

You can transfer electronically at:

Encounter Church Adelaide
BSB: 704-095
ACC: 242357

Text To Give

Text 'give' to 0488 844 028 and your dollar amount to make use of our convenient text to give system.


Where our money goes

Encounter puts a priority on transparency in finance and we base our budget on the below. This breakdown helps to provide a balanced, long-term outlook, ensuring that we are constantly focused on the right areas, as well as freeing up finance when opportunities come up for us to respond in generosity.

We are dedicated to providing financial, spiritual and physical support to other missional organisations and church plants that are making a huge impact for Jesus..


Venue Hire | Coffee | Equipment


Salaries for Encounter staff


Platform | Hospitality | Kids


Church plants | Local outreach | Global support

Futures Fund

The Encounter Futures Fund is our version of what some churches call a ‘miracle offering’ or a ‘second mile’ giving project. It will only be collected once a year and is separate from the regular tithing and giving that many of you do. It is an opportunity for us to have an annual, intentional heart-led sacrifice to invest in building the future church.

God will often put the challenge of joy-filled generosity before His church. It was the challenge as David & Solomon build the First Temple, in 1 Chronicles. It was the motivation for the temple rebuild in Nehemiah 10. It was the encouragement of Paul as he collects money from the churches in 1 & 2 Corinthians and Romans to give to the church in Jerusalem.

Most of all, it is an opportunity to hear God’s voice and lay our finances humbly before Him.

This Fund is currently being used to finance our Henley Church Plant.

The Encounter Futures Fund is a totally separate bank account to your regular giving.

The details are:

Account name: Encounter Church Adelaide

BSB: 704 095

Account number: 252363

Please make sure that in the ‘comments’ section, you put your last name. This will help us as we reconcile the amounts in the bank account against our pledges